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Thursday, March 19, 2009

My wish for tomorrow shall shatter my soul.
4:13 PM

Friday, February 13, 2009


My wish for tomorrow shall shatter my soul.
11:27 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

To view in high quality, press the arrow in the square located at the bottom right corner then press HQ.

My wish for tomorrow shall shatter my soul.
2:33 PM

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thinking of switching over to this blogskin. View and leave comments please! Thanks ;D


My wish for tomorrow shall shatter my soul.
10:13 PM

Busy and hectic week so far. Ever since the start of school, I've hardly had a chance to play. Not that I'm complaining though. It's given me a chance to kick my addiction to gaming and I'm proud to say I've overcome it! Just in time for my O's haha. Pretty eventful week all in all with lots of laughter and fun ;D

Take the composition test we did for example. It was simply .. hilarious. After we started writing, James and Muizhen were talking for a long time. After about half an hour or so, both of them decided to start writing. About 15mins or so, James was already done with a page and guess how much Muizhen had done? 2 lines only. He kept writing and scrapping the paper. And each paper only had the question written on it -.- There's such a thing called cancelling you know. And the worst thing is, he just had to spend 5mins twisting each piece of paper up until he passed up a page at the end of 1hour allocated to us. Rofl. He's going to get his ass kicked.

Then for yesterday. Was in class during recess when Alexis came in with 2 burgers in his hand. I said I wanted one and he threw it to me. So i was eating it when he came back and said the burgers were for Asyraf and Yeo Khee. LOL . Not my fault that he threw it to me right? XD
Bio test was alright. Quite simple actually. Shall see how I fare when the paper is returned. Lets start off the new year well !

After lunch, went to tidy up NPC equipment. Brought all the poles, mallets, pegs and canvas to the back of the canteen to wait for the truck to come. Going to SJI to return the Scouts the equipment marh. ZJ and yuan were with me. Was downstairs talking to ZJ then suddenly see xiaozhen upstairs dunno doing what. Talked to her for a while then she disappeared and we continued our chat. The truck finally came and we were loading up the equipment when i suddenly heard her voice singing songs. Looked up but didnt see anyone there so just ignored it. Just found out today it was her singing bingo afterall.. -.- After we loaded the truck, we all sat in Mr Tang, our new assistant Scout teacher, car. On the way to SJI, we were talking about some random stuff. Reached SJI, returned the stuff, went back to Beatty. Nothing much except for the hilarious conversation we had on the way back to Beatty. ZJ was talking about ways to torture our juniors during the orientation camp coming up soon while I was trying to save the juniors by saying no to every idea. Then, Mr Tang commented about our time in Scouting. Was saying we were abused by our seniors therefore ended up like this. LOL! He veto-ed ZJ so now he cannot bully the juniors already. Lucky for them rofl.

After we reached Beatty, we went back to check on the unit and they were playing games with the Guides, which wasn't in the plan -.- Found out from xuanjie they were playing halfway when the guides suddenly asked if they wanted to play Captain's Ball. So one game led to another and there they were playing dog-and-bone . Lol so lame. Didn't join in the games anyway. Just sat at one side and watched them. Played a bit of soccer with Vincent then he ended up kicking the ball into the field. All the gates locked so the ball was stuck inside LOL. Went begging Ms Huda and Mr Tang for the key to the gate so he could go in and get the ball because the ball belongs to the Guides. He scared kena scolded by them rofl. Then Alexis and Benjamin came. Alexis went to crawl under the gap in the fence to get the ball out -.- Power sia. Kumanan sir came and had a discussion with us. Next week, we're gonna try and build a flagpole! Didn't do a single one for the whole of last year. Lost touch already.. Hope it works next Saturday. Dismissal and then walked to the bus stop with Vanathy. Was considering taking 153 with her but then 88 came first. So ended up taking 88 with Shermaine and Pavithra. Pavithra actually thought i was 5N -.- Said I looked so ... mature. LMAO. Very mature meh ._. And I taught shermaine the art of squeezing your way out of a damn crowded bus. XD Reached home, had dinner, watched chnl 8 then bathed. Did homework and slept early coz damn shagged.

Woke up this morning and did homework. Spent entire day at home and had maths tuition. Did quotient rule and gosh, I'm totally not prepared for the test on Wed. Forgot entire of chapter 13 already. Damn. Tomorrow's gonna be spent revising. And tomorrow's my parents wedding aniversary! Will be going Japanese restaurant for dinner wootz! <3 Happy anniversary to my mom and dad! 8D
During dinner, my mom was telling us something damn shocking. She went for volunteer work at the nearby CC in the morning. So she got to know this Malay woman, about 30+years old le, who was helping out as well larh. And guess what, that Malay girl had ...... 24 siblings! Wth?! The most I've heard so far is only 10! My mother was damn shocked as well larh! She asked more and found out that the Malay girl's mother who had passed away already, got married at 12 through match-making and gave birth at 13. Wah -.- Damn young can.. Then had 3 pairs of twins. So if u take 25-(3x2), you get 19. Besides the twins, the mom had 19 single births and 3 twins, totalling to 22 births in total >.> Oldest already 60years old. Didn't know last time got this kind of thing one ..

And I've signed up for the Vertical Marathon at Republic Plaza! Gonna be on the 8th Feb, Sunday. So far, Alexis, Benjamin, Robert, Zhixian, HockSiong going. I think have more haha.

My wish for tomorrow shall shatter my soul.
8:13 PM

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First time late in school today after 4 years of attending school..
And what's worse, late just after 5 days of starting school.. Damn what a bad start! And my hair got caught by Singh again. ZZZ basket. Kena cut by him again. Cut until like shit la -.- And kena detention somemore. WTH! I thought first time will give chance right ?! What happened sia. Stupid delay make me waste 10 mins of Amaths time. Walk in totally lost until i did a few exercises then got a hang of it.. Lucky..

Rest of the day normal. When going home, took 88 with Hocksiong, Wenbin, Alexis and Yuan. Damn funny on the bus trip. Hocksiong, Wenbin and Alexis want to watch Pongyo at AMK >.> So they took bus to AMK with me. On the way, James called HockSiong then HockSiong pretend to know Thai and talk some rubbish . Then those sitting next to us all staring at us -.- Damn malu lah.

My wish for tomorrow shall shatter my soul.
7:48 PM

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Those who have watched Code Geass, watch this! Guranteed to make you go ROFL.

My wish for tomorrow shall shatter my soul.
12:53 AM